🚫Anti-slashing of Restaking

This page is currently in development, and all measurements are derived from best practices; they are not intended as actual action items.

Bedrock team is equipped with multiple years of experience to run and maintain 30+ blockchains, and the security of customers' funds is always our top priority. We are committed to maintaining the highest standards to protect customers' funds.

As of this writing, the slashing mechanism in the EigenLayer protocol has not yet been determined. Nevertheless, the Bedrock team has proactively implemented measures to reduce the risks of fund loss or slashing.

  1. Optimization of the parameters of restaking

    • Scoring of AVS operators

      We’ll create variant metrics to measure the performance of every AVS operators, e.g. TVL, uptime, reputation etc., The Restaking Delegation module will be responsible for selecting AVS operators and optimizing restaking yield.

    • TVL caps per AVS service

    To further mitigate overall risks, caps on restaking amounts or TVL will be applied.

  2. Security deposit mechanism to protect users’ funds.

    • Whenever possible, we will request AVS operators to make a deposit into the Bedrock community fund. This deposit will be used to compensate uniETH holders in the event of any slashing incidents.