Step-by-step to unstake uniBTC
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Last updated
Go to page, connect wallet, then click Unstake tab.
Choose supported blockchain network.
Enter amount of uniBTC to be unstaked.
Click Max button to use the max available amount.
Maximum amount must be less than the cap.
Minimum amount is 0.0001 uniBTC.
Additional info:
The expected amount received will match the input uniBTC amount converted into the selected wrapped BTC token for unstaking.
Lock-up period: The time required for the unstaking process to complete before your selected wrapped BTC becomes available for withdrawal.
Fees: Fees are applied to cover the operational cost.
Token contract: The withdrawal token contract dedicated to manage unstaking requests.
Grant the allowance by clicking Approve button, with sufficient amount to the token contract.
Click Unstake button, user will see confirmation popup window, and user needs to check the amount of uniBTC to be unstaked.
User clicks the Confirm button, and sign in the connnected wallet to trigger the token withdrawal request.
Unstake success popup: Upon withdrawal request transaction is completed, it shows the successful message.
Go to page, connect wallet
Check if there is any claimable wrapped BTC
Click Claim button, and confirm to Claim
Click again in wallet to confirm the claim transaction.
Upon claim successful, user is supposed to receive the claimed wrapped BTC in the connected wallet.